A selection of recent talks at international conferences, summer schools, outreach, dialogues, and university seminars given by María Escudero Escribano
Invited lecture, “Tailored electrocatalytic interfaces for renewable fuels and chemicals production“, LightChEC Summer School 2024, Aegerisee (Switzerland) [Sep]
Invited lecture, “Active site engineering of electrocatalysts to produce renewable fuels and chemicals“, SurfCat Summer School 2024, Kobæk Strand (Denmark) [Aug]
Contributed talk, “Active site engineering for electrocatalysis“, 44th Annual Meeting of the RSEQ Electrochemistry Group + 5th E3 Mediterranean, Bilbao (Spain) [Jul]
Invited lecture, “Tailored Electrochemical Interfaces for Renewable Fuels Production“, 245th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, San Francisco (US) [May]
Dialogue ‘From Frontier Research to Knowledge: BIST Community ERC Grants’, BIST Forum 2024 (Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology), Barcelona (Spain) [Jan]
Keynote lecture, "Electrochemical interfaces to produce renewable fuels and chemicals", Annual Meeting of the Division of Electrochemistry of the Italian Chemical Society, Cefalù (Italy) [Sep]
Invited seminar, "Active site engineering of electrocatalysts for renewable fuels and chemicals production". Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology , Eindhoven (Netherlands) [Sep]
Invited lecture, "Active site engineering to tune selectivity of sustainable electrocatalytic oxidation reactions ", 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Lyon (France) [Sep]
Invited lecture, "Tailored electrified interfaces for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals", American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA - United States of America) [Aug]
Keynote lecture, "Tailored electrocatalyst materials for renewable fuels and chemicals", 16th International conference on materials chemistry (MC16), Royal Society of Chemistry, Dublin (Ireland) [Jul]
Invited lecture, “Sustainable Commodity and Specialty Chemicals”, Scientific Opening of the Danish Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery (CAPeX), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) [Jun]
Invited lecture, Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (nanoGe), ‘Electrocatalysis for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals’ Symposium, Valencia (Spain) [Mar]
Invited outreach talk “Referentes Fundación Princesa de Girona”, “Espacio Joven” of the Ibercaja Foundation, Zaragoza (Spain) [Feb]
Keynote lecture, “Santo Tomás de Aquino” ceremony, University of Extremadura, Cáceres (Spain) [Jan]
Invited seminar, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) [Jan]
The 103rd ICREA colloquium: ‘Renewable fuels: from science to technology and beyond’, Barcelona (Spain) [Nov]
Invited talk, 1st Conference on Advanced Materials in Spain (AMatS2022), Gandía (Spain) [Nov]
Keynote lecture, INAM Annual Symposium, Institute of Advanced Materials, UJI Castellón (Spain) [Nov]
Keynote lecture, 90th Anniversary of Physical Chemistry Research at the Rockefeller Building, Institute of Physical Chemistry Rocasolano (CSIC), Madrid (Spain) [Oct]
Conferencia de toma de posesión como Académica de Número de la Academia Joven de España (online) [Oct]
Keynote lecture (online), 73rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) [Sep]
Invited talk, Instituto de Emprendimiento Avanzado, Madrid (Spain) [Sep]
Keynote lecture, International Symposium on Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Oxidation Catalysis (ADHOC 2022), Girona (Spain) [Sep]
Plenary lecture, Annual Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Santander (Spain) [Jul]
Invited lecture, Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Granada (Spain) [Jun]
Invited lecture, DIPC School and Workshop on Photo and ElectroCatalysis at the Atomic Scale (PECAS 2022), San Sebastián-Donostia (Spain) [Jun]
Invited lecture, 241st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Vancouver (Canada) [Jun]
Keynote lecture, The Netherlands’ Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, NCCC (Netherlands) [May]
Invited lecture, Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), San Diego (US) [Mar]
Invited seminar, SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis, Stanford University, and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US) [Mar]
Invited talk (online), Centre for Molecular Water Science, Research Course ‘Water in Energy Research and Technology’, DESY Synchrotron (Germany) [Mar]
Invited seminar (online), Virginia Energy and Catalysis Club, Virginia University (US) [Feb]
Invited seminar (online), McMaster University (Canada) [Feb]
Invited talk (online), Chemistry as Innovative Science (CHAINS) Conference 2021 (Annual Dutch Chemistry Conference) [Dec]
Invited RICH seminar (online), Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) [Dec]
Invited seminar, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2 Barcelona (Spain) [Nov]
Invited talk (online), Lorentz Center workshop 'Electrifying Chemistry: from fundamentals to industrial applications', Leiden University (Netherlands) [Nov]
Invited talk, nanoGe International Conference on Frontiers in Electrocatalytic Transformations (INTERECT), Valencia (Spain) [Nov]
Plenary lecture, IV edition of research contest 'Brain wars: the future is in your hands', Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry [Nov]
Invited talk (online), 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Jeju (South Korea) [Aug]
Invited talk (online), 41st Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and 1st French-Spanish Workshop on Electrochemistry, Paris (France) [Jul]
Invited seminar, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2 Barcelona (Spain) [Jul]
Dialogue with Nobel Laureate Frances H. Arnold, Princess of Girona Foundation Award Ceremony, Barcelona (Spain) [Jul]
Invited online seminar, Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES), TU Eindhoven (Netherlands) [Jun]
Plenary lecture (online), X Doctoral Workshop of the PhD Program in Chemistry, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) [May]
Invited talk (online), “Jornada Científica de Jóvenes de la Red Sensores y Biosensores Electroquímicos” (Spain) [May]
Invited talk, 2021 Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS), online [Apr]
Keynote lecture, ELCOREL International Conference on Electrocatalysis for Renewable Energy, online [Mar]
Invited talk, Small Chem International Online Conference [Feb]
Invited talk, online conference “II Fronteiras em Electroquímica e Electroanalitica” (Brazil) [Feb]
Invited online seminar, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) [Feb]
Invited online seminar, University of Birmingham (UK) [Feb]
Invited online seminar, Electrochemical Society (ECS) Monterrey Student Chapter [Jan]
Invited webinar, The Electrochemical Society (ECS) [Jan]
Invited speaker, Chemistry as Innovative Science (CHAINS) Conference 2020 (Annual Dutch Chemistry Conference; online) [Dec]
Invited online seminar, Swedish Consortium for Artificial Photosynthesis [Dec]
Invited online seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) [Nov]
Invited speaker, online workshop “Aplicaciones Medioambientales y Energéticas de la Tecnología Electroquímica” [Oct]
Invited webinar, Catalysis Theory Center at the Technical University of Denmark [Oct]
Invited speaker, 1st ChemPhysChem Virtual Symposium “CO2 reduction” [Sep]
Invited webinar (in Spanish), American Chemical Society (ACS) [Sep]
Video: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/acs-webinars/spanish/electroquimica.html [Jun]
Invited talk ‘Investigación y Química’ at ‘El País con tu futuro 2019’ for ca. one thousand secondary school students, Madrid (Spain) [Dec]
Plenary speaker, XVI Symposium of Young Chemistry Researchers of the RSEQ, Valencia (Spain) [Nov]
Invited seminar, Fritz Haber Institute (Max Planck Society), Berlin (Germany) [Oct]
Invited speaker, Symposium “Insights into Gas Diffusion Electrodes: From Fundamentals to Industrial Applications”, Magdeburg (Germany) [Sep]
Invited seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley (US) [Aug]
Contributed talk, 257th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, San Diego (US) [Aug]
Plenary lecture, 1st Severo Ochoa workshop on energy storage and harvesting “Energy mining in the 21st century”, Barcelona (Spain) [Jul]
Invited seminar, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, Tarragona (Spain) [Jun]
Invited seminar, University of Córdoba, Córdoba (Spain) [Jun]
Invited Keynote lecture, Materials for Today’s Energy Challenges International Workshop, Padua (Italy) [Jun]
Contributed talk, Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, San Sebastian (Spain) [May]
Invited lecture (as Clara Immerwahr Awardee 2019), Clara Immerwahr Award ceremony, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin (Germany) [May]
Invited lecture, Materials for Clean Energy Conference, London (UK) [Apr]
Invited lecture, 257th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Orlando (US) [Apr]
Invited lecture, 680th WE-Heraeus Seminar on “Materials development for automotive propulsion”, Bad Honnef (Germany) [Oct]
Contributed talk, 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Bologna (Italy) [Sep]
Invited Plenary lecture (as European Young Chemist Awardee 2016), 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress, Liverpool (UK) [Aug]
Invited seminar, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven (Netherlands) [Jul]
Invited seminar, University of Cádiz, Department of Chemistry, Cádiz (Spain) [Jun]
Invited lecture, Southampton Electrochemistry Conference, University of Southampton (UK) [May]
Invited Keynote lecture (as ECS Energy Technology Division Young Investigator Awardee 2018), 233rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Seattle (US) [May]
Invited SUNCAT seminar, Stanford University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford (US) [Mar]
Griess Lectureship Award Keynote lectures (awarded and invited by the Royal Society of Chemistry), Universities of Nottingham, Leicester, Loughborough and Derby (UK): one day at each University during the Chemistry week 2017 in the UK [Nov]
Plenary lecture, Annual Meeting of the Danish Electrochemical Society, Lyngby (Denmark) [Nov]
Invited lecture (as SUSCHEM Young Chemistry Research Awardee 2017), XIV Simposium of Young Chemistry Researchers of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ), Badajoz (Spain) [Nov]
Invited lecture, XXVI International Materials Research Congress, Cancun (Mexico) [Aug]
Invited lecture (as CIDETEC Young Researcher in Electrochemistry Awardee 2018), 38th Annual Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. Vitoria (Spain) [Jul]
Invited lecture, 9th Meeting “From the witches’ cauldrons in materials science”. Goslar (Germany) [Apr]
Contributed talk, 253rd American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, San Francisco (US) [Apr]
Invited lecture (as one of the five finalists of the Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award 2017), German Physical Society Spring Meeting 2017, Dresden (Germany) [Mar]