A selection of recent talks at international conferences, summer schools, outreach, dialogues, and university seminars given by María Escudero Escribano


  • Invited lecture, “Tailored electrocatalytic interfaces for renewable fuels and chemicals production“, LightChEC Summer School 2024, Aegerisee (Switzerland) [Sep]

  • Invited lecture, “Active site engineering of electrocatalysts to produce renewable fuels and chemicals“, SurfCat Summer School 2024, Kobæk Strand (Denmark) [Aug]

  • Contributed talk, “Active site engineering for electrocatalysis“, 44th Annual Meeting of the RSEQ Electrochemistry Group + 5th E3 Mediterranean, Bilbao (Spain) [Jul]

  • Invited lecture, “Tailored Electrochemical Interfaces for Renewable Fuels Production“, 245th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, San Francisco (US) [May]

  • Dialogue ‘From Frontier Research to Knowledge: BIST Community ERC Grants’, BIST Forum 2024 (Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology), Barcelona (Spain) [Jan]


  • Keynote lecture, "Electrochemical interfaces to produce renewable fuels and chemicals", Annual Meeting of the Division of Electrochemistry of the Italian Chemical Society, Cefalù (Italy) [Sep]

  • Invited seminar, "Active site engineering of electrocatalysts for renewable fuels and chemicals production". Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology , Eindhoven (Netherlands) [Sep]

  • Invited lecture, "Active site engineering to tune selectivity of sustainable electrocatalytic oxidation reactions ", 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Lyon (France) [Sep]

  • Invited lecture, "Tailored electrified interfaces for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals", American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA - United States of America) [Aug]

  • Keynote lecture, "Tailored electrocatalyst materials for renewable fuels and chemicals", 16th International conference on materials chemistry (MC16), Royal Society of Chemistry, Dublin (Ireland) [Jul]

  • Invited lecture, “Sustainable Commodity and Specialty Chemicals”, Scientific Opening of the Danish Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery (CAPeX), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) [Jun]

  • Invited lecture, Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (nanoGe), ‘Electrocatalysis for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals’ Symposium, Valencia (Spain) [Mar]

  • Invited outreach talk “Referentes Fundación Princesa de Girona”, “Espacio Joven” of the Ibercaja Foundation, Zaragoza (Spain) [Feb]

  • Keynote lecture, “Santo Tomás de Aquino” ceremony, University of Extremadura, Cáceres (Spain) [Jan]

  • Invited seminar, Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) [Jan]




  • Invited talk (online), Chemistry as Innovative Science (CHAINS) Conference 2021 (Annual Dutch Chemistry Conference) [Dec]

  • Invited RICH seminar (online), Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) [Dec]

  • Invited seminar, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2 Barcelona (Spain) [Nov]

  • Invited talk (online), Lorentz Center workshop 'Electrifying Chemistry: from fundamentals to industrial applications', Leiden University (Netherlands) [Nov]

  • Invited talk, nanoGe International Conference on Frontiers in Electrocatalytic Transformations (INTERECT), Valencia (Spain) [Nov]

  • Plenary lecture, IV edition of research contest 'Brain wars: the future is in your hands', Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry [Nov]

  • Invited talk (online), 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Jeju (South Korea) [Aug]

  • Invited talk (online), 41st Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and 1st French-Spanish Workshop on Electrochemistry, Paris (France) [Jul]

  • Invited seminar, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2 Barcelona (Spain) [Jul]

  • Dialogue with Nobel Laureate Frances H. Arnold, Princess of Girona Foundation Award Ceremony, Barcelona (Spain) [Jul]

  • Invited online seminar, Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES), TU Eindhoven (Netherlands) [Jun]

  • Plenary lecture (online), X Doctoral Workshop of the PhD Program in Chemistry, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) [May]

  • Invited talk (online), “Jornada Científica de Jóvenes de la Red Sensores y Biosensores Electroquímicos” (Spain) [May]

  • Invited talk, 2021 Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS), online [Apr]

  • Keynote lecture, ELCOREL International Conference on Electrocatalysis for Renewable Energy, online [Mar]

  • Invited talk, Small Chem International Online Conference [Feb]

  • Invited talk, online conference “II Fronteiras em Electroquímica e Electroanalitica” (Brazil) [Feb]

  • Invited online seminar, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) [Feb]

  • Invited online seminar, University of Birmingham (UK) [Feb]

  • Invited online seminar, Electrochemical Society (ECS) Monterrey Student Chapter [Jan]

  • Invited webinar, The Electrochemical Society (ECS) [Jan]



  • Invited speaker, Chemistry as Innovative Science (CHAINS) Conference 2020 (Annual Dutch Chemistry Conference; online) [Dec]

  • Invited online seminar, Swedish Consortium for Artificial Photosynthesis [Dec]

  • Invited online seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) [Nov]

  • Invited speaker, online workshop “Aplicaciones Medioambientales y Energéticas de la Tecnología Electroquímica” [Oct]

  • Invited webinar, Catalysis Theory Center at the Technical University of Denmark [Oct]

  • Invited speaker, 1st ChemPhysChem Virtual Symposium “CO2 reduction” [Sep]

  • Invited webinar (in Spanish), American Chemical Society (ACS) [Sep]

    Video: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/acs-webinars/spanish/electroquimica.html [Jun]



  • Invited talk ‘Investigación y Química’ at ‘El País con tu futuro 2019’ for ca. one thousand secondary school students, Madrid (Spain) [Dec]

  • Plenary speaker, XVI Symposium of Young Chemistry Researchers of the RSEQ, Valencia (Spain) [Nov]

  • Invited seminar, Fritz Haber Institute (Max Planck Society), Berlin (Germany) [Oct]

  • Invited speaker, Symposium “Insights into Gas Diffusion Electrodes: From Fundamentals to Industrial Applications”, Magdeburg (Germany) [Sep]

  • Invited seminarLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley (US) [Aug]

  • Contributed talk, 257th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, San Diego (US) [Aug]

  • Plenary lecture, 1st Severo Ochoa workshop on energy storage and harvesting “Energy mining in the 21st century”, Barcelona (Spain) [Jul]

  • Invited seminarInstitute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, Tarragona (Spain) [Jun]

  • Invited seminarUniversity of Córdoba, Córdoba (Spain) [Jun]

  • Invited Keynote lectureMaterials for Today’s Energy Challenges International Workshop, Padua (Italy) [Jun]

  • Contributed talk, Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, San Sebastian (Spain) [May]

  • Invited lecture (as Clara Immerwahr Awardee 2019), Clara Immerwahr Award ceremony, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin (Germany) [May]

  • Invited lectureMaterials for Clean Energy Conference, London (UK) [Apr]

  • Invited lecture257th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Orlando (US) [Apr]



  • Invited lecture, 680th WE-Heraeus Seminar on “Materials development for automotive propulsion”, Bad Honnef (Germany) [Oct]

  • Contributed talk, 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Bologna (Italy) [Sep]

  • Invited Plenary lecture (as European Young Chemist Awardee 2016), 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress, Liverpool (UK) [Aug]

  • Invited seminarEindhoven University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven (Netherlands) [Jul]

  • Invited seminarUniversity of Cádiz, Department of Chemistry, Cádiz (Spain) [Jun]

  • Invited lectureSouthampton Electrochemistry Conference, University of Southampton (UK) [May]

  • Invited Keynote lecture (as ECS Energy Technology Division Young Investigator Awardee 2018), 233rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Seattle (US) [May]

  • Invited SUNCAT seminarStanford University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford (US) [Mar]



  • Griess Lectureship Award Keynote lectures (awarded and invited by the Royal Society of Chemistry), Universities of Nottingham, Leicester, Loughborough and Derby (UK): one day at each University during the Chemistry week 2017 in the UK [Nov]

  • Plenary lectureAnnual Meeting of the Danish Electrochemical Society, Lyngby (Denmark) [Nov]

  • Invited lecture (as SUSCHEM Young Chemistry Research Awardee 2017), XIV Simposium of Young Chemistry Researchers of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ), Badajoz (Spain) [Nov]

  • Invited lectureXXVI International Materials Research Congress, Cancun (Mexico) [Aug]

  • Invited lecture (as CIDETEC Young Researcher in Electrochemistry Awardee 2018), 38th Annual Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. Vitoria (Spain) [Jul]

  • Invited lecture9th Meeting “From the witches’ cauldrons in materials science”. Goslar (Germany) [Apr]

  • Contributed talk, 253rd American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, San Francisco (US) [Apr]

  • Invited lecture (as one of the five finalists of the Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award 2017), German Physical Society Spring Meeting 2017, Dresden (Germany) [Mar]